Tinley Park Together

By bringing Tinley Park together through positive news, events, and transparency, we can continue to make our community a better place for all.






15826 S. LaGrange Rd. #108
Orland Park, IL

Tinley Park Together is a group of concerned citizens who are proud residents of Tinley Park, IL. We love Tinley Park. We want to see our community succeed and will always be the first ones to promote the good things happening in our community.

But like many communities, there are big challenges facing Tinley Park. For too long, Tinley Park has been synonymous with inside deals, cronyism, and corruption. Tinley Park Together is committed to sounding the alarm about the culture of corruption in Tinley Park. We want to make our community better by bringing Tinley Park Together.


Latest Articles

The latest news in and around Tinley Park to help you stay informed.

Tinley Park Mayor lobbies for Mob-Tied 'Racino'

Despite Pritzker’s move to kill Hiedner’s “Racino” proposal in 2019, Glotz and One Tinley Park continue to publicly advocate for “mixed-use development”.

South Cook News Article>

New Restaurant Coming Soon

Aw, Shucks: Vinny’s Clam bar set to open in the former “Tin Fish” space in mid – to late – June.

Read Patch Article >

Traffic Snarls Janet Jackson Concert

Relentless traffic forced some concertgoers to skip the show alltogether.

NBC5 Article >

Park District Wins Approval For Mental Health Center

The Tinley Park Park District has won legislative approval from Illinois lawmakers for the purchase of former Tinley Park Mental Health Center.

FOX32 Video >

Whistleblower Hotline

Tinley Park Together is committed to transparency and honesty in the Tinley Park government. If you have witnessed any wrongdoing in Tinley Park and would like to expose it, you can call the Tinley Park Together secure and confidential Whistleblower Hotline. Simply leave a message detailing the corruption and wrongdoing you would like to expose.

Tinley Park Together Blog

Flash Mob violence at carvinal illustrated why downtown fireworks is ill-advised

A downtown carnival recently had to be shut down thanks to a group of 400 or more teens who hopped off the train at the Tinley Park train stop to disrupt the event. The teens terrorized carnival goers by running through the crowd and fighting each other.

The carnival is located at the same spot the Village of Tinley Park will have its fireworks show this year. One of the arguments for moving the Fireworks show from the Park District was that the downtown location would be easier to police. The carnival incident, though, clearly shows this is not the case.

The Tinley Park Park District site is far from the train stop. A flash mob jumping off at the Tinley Park train stop would have a long way to go to disrupt an event at the Park District. Furthermore, the park district location has avenues of escape in all four directions. If the area were targeted by a flash mob, people could get out of harm’s way much easier than they can in the downtown location.

If safety really is the main reason Tinley Park decided to have its own fireworks show instead of working with the Park District, then the flash mob incident clearly undermines that decision. But then again, safety really was not the reason the decision was made. The decision was politically motivated. The Village and the Park District both have an interest in acquiring the Mental Health Center from the state. The Village’s contempt for the Park District is not exactly a secret. Most Tinley Park residents believe the fireworks decision was done out of retaliation – not safety.

But now there is a real safety concern. If the Village of Tinley Park is indeed concerned about the safety of its residents – then they should cancel the fireworks show downtown and work with the Park District to have a show far away from the train stop. It is time for Village leaders to put partisan politics aside and put the people of Tinley Park first.

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